X-Ray and Rework Service Options

Service • Repair • Upgrades • Calibration • Training

X-Ray Inspection Systems Services

  • Radiation Safety Surveys

    A cabinet x-ray system contains an x-ray tube installed within a lead shielded enclosure. The enclosure serves as a physical barrier that excludes people from the space where x-rays are produced.

    The FDA’s radiation safety performance standard for cabinet x-ray systems requires that external radiation emission from a cabinet x-ray system not exceed an exposure of 0.5 milliroentgens per hour. 

    Therefore, to ensure the safety of operators and indiviuals in close proximity of the system, an annual Radiation Safety Survey is mandatory for continued safe operation.  

    General X-Ray provides annual Radiation Safety Surveys/Certifications that meet the FDA’s radiation safety performance standard for cabinet x-ray systems.

  • Annual Maintenance Service

    To ensure proper operation of your x-ray inspection system, it is recommended that an annual maintenance service be performed on the x-ray machine. This will allow for early detection of any problems related to the vital electronics, x-ray tube, and image detector. Discoveries of any untimely problems will extend system longevity and ensure proper working order.

    Typical service procedures include verification of imaging resolution, checking of all subsystem voltages and parameters, check of all interlocks and safety switches. The x-ray system will also be tested for proper system operations such as manipulator and imaging motion, system controls, and software imaging interface. A radiation safety survey is also included with the annual maintenance service.

  • Fix, Repair, and Parts Replacements

    General X-ray provides full service repairs and parts replacements for various x-ray machine parts such as x-ray tubes, image intensifiers, flat panel detectors, and other sub electronics for various x-ray models. General X-ray is the only service provider with the capabilities to fix and repair board level electronics for many legacy x-ray machines which provides companies money saving alternatives to expensive x-ray system replacements. 

  • Operator Training

    General X-ray provides operator training, system software overviews, and radiation safety  basics for companies requiring State safety compliance, new hires, or personel turnover. Our professional and experienced support engineers can provide instructions on proper inspection techniques and defect recognition to maximize product quality and minimize on going defects during the production process to help meet IPC standards. Keeping operators trained and knowledgeable insures the proper operation of the x-ray systems during vital inspection processes.

Rework Systems Services

  • Annual Maintenance Service

    Component rework systems rely on accurate temperature controls and measurements during the reflow process. Imprecise profile temperatures can result in many solder defects such as opens, head-in-pillow (HiP), excessive voiding, cold solder joints, and shorts or bridges. To ensure proper operation of the SMT rework system, an annual maintenance and thermal calibration should be completed annually.

    Our professionally trained service engineers from PDR Rework and Denon Instruments can ensure that your rework system is operating reliabily and in top condition to repetitively produce accurate profile temperatures and minimize solder defects.

  • Parts and Repairs

    General X-ray, Rework and Support Services provide replacement parts or repairs for all PDR and Denon rework system models. We are the only authorized sevice provider for PDR Rework and Denon Instruments for North and South America. All parts such as component pickup tips, IR lenses, hot air nozzles, replacement heaters, IR heater bulbs, board gripper mounts, and many other accessories are all available from our stocked inventory. We have all the parts you need to make your rework process easy and simple.

  • Operator Training

    Proper rework operation and profile creation is vital in the process of insuring precise solder reflow for component removal and placement. General X-ray provides rework system overview and software operator training on all PDR and Denon rework systems. Have the peace of mind that your operators are using the rework machine correctly and producing quality reworked products which meets IPC standards.

  • Firmware & Software Upgrades

    Contact us for help to get the latest firmware or software updates on your rework machine or purchase a new PC system with latest Windows operatoring system for IT complaince.

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